Tutor.com Free Resource to all military families, all branches grade K-12.
gordan.armymwr.com Family Moral Welfare and Recreation Booklet that is published quarterly, and includes events, training and recreation ideal at the institute.
Military OneSource.mil To be the ONE SOURCE that stands ready to assist as you master military life. To give you expert support and information that is proven and practical. To be there, day and night, wherever you are, when you need a trusted voice, private and confidential. To have answers you can depend on in pursuit of your best goals and your best MilLife. To be one dedicated community whose sole mission is you.
Militarychild.org Military Child Education Coalition, a non-profit organization that identifies challenges that face highly mobile military child, increases awareness of these challenges in military and educational communities, and initiates and implements programs to meet the challenges.
mic3.net Military Interstate Children Compact Commission (MIC3) addresses key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation.
Ed.sc.gov South Carolina Department of Education website.
Niche.com What Are Purple Star Schools? – Blog